Friday, December 19, 2008

Bright Future for User-Generated Video

By David Farquhar
European Editor

While it won't be a surprise to anyone in the know, user-generated video is growing at a rapid clip (excuse the pun!), with a lot of that growth coming from places like China, according to market researchers.

The forecasts for User-Generated Video (UGV) use and revenue have shifted upward since last year, says In-Stat, with an increasing effort towards developing more high quality content.

China is actually second to the U.S. in terms of the UGV's global reach and appeal, although participation is still stratified by age, says the market researcher.

Key findings of In-Stat's research:

- Total worldwide UGV revenue is expected to eclipse US$1.19 billion by 2012.

- 160 billion UGV served videos are forecast for 2012.

- Individuals who use mobile phones to participate in online video sites are most likely to contribute to the market (both financially and in terms of content).

UGV is also expected to increase in other parts of the world as so-called 'citizen journalists' pick up their cameras and video-capable cell phones and broadcast news outside of the restrictions of freedom of the press-impaired countries.

The movement toward higher quality and higher-definition video - as well as the development of more sophisticated and capable mobile devices - is also expected to add fuel to the UGV fire worldwide.

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