Back to My Future (and Present)!
Okay, I have been away for a while. make that a very long while! It's not that I didn't have anything to say, or that I gave up writing much like a Catholic dutifully gives up chocolate or beer for Lent (hmmm...make that just chocolate!). It's just, well..I've been a little distracted over the past...can it be years??!! In any case, I am trying to get back into the swing of things to talk about, comment on and just plain rant on the topic of mobile media.
Quite frankly, things have changed quite a bit since I first started covering and was involved in the space. Mobile phones with maybe some video capabilities have evolved into becoming smartphones, tablets of all sizes and capabilities are everywhere, Android has become a household word and viable platform alternative, and Microsoft finally has a viable mobile phone footprint in its Windows Phone (although I am still getting used to the eccentricities of Windows * (and 8.1) on my laptop. Mobile apps have also evolved to the point where thee are a number on my smartphone that actually make me feel guilty that I don't use them enough - especially the personal improvement and exercise ones. Then, there is the whole Google Glass and personal immersion into the Internet of Absolutely Everything.
What does this mean, both personally and professionally? Personally, I feel like I am living in the United State of Distraction rather the USA because the more things get better and more advanced, the more us mere mortals are being sucked into this virtual vortex. For example, I spend about an hour or more driving to work each way every day and maybe 20% of the drivers I see during this trudge are actually focusing on driving. We used to kid about the occasional person shaving as they are driving, or woman (or man!) putting on eye makeup while careening at 70mph. Now, that would be welcome in favor of the army of idiots who think they could not possibly survive a drive without keeping tabs on their email and the latest Facebook postings. Really???!
Granted, I am guilty of checking a message now and then during a drive (although I will strongly deny it to any officer of the law), but will that Siri has helped to keep me in my lane and away from any accidental encounters. Not that I am in any way close to the relationship spotlighted in that creepy movie 'Her', but I will say that, at times, Siri and the Almighty are my co-pilots.
I can go on and on about this topic, but will stop there because as I said earlier I have been away fro a while and have to ease back into the virtual swing of things. Meanwhile, some advice to the distracted masses out there and in the lanes around me: Put down the phone! We all know you are dumber than your smartphone when you text and drive and think ordering that pizza just can't wait until you pull over. But, I would prefer not to be sucked into your virtual and stupid world. Ciao for now!